Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Lights, Accidents, Dance!!

I'm blasting David Bowie's 1983 album Let's Dance in my apartment and there's nothing my neighbors can do about it. They can feel about it all they want but no actions, verbal or physical can stop me at this time. Thanks. Did you know Stevie Ray Vaughn was his guitar player on that record? Brendan Connor told me that, and it was true.

I picked that record up yesterday along with Elvis Costello's Armed Forces, The Waterboys Fisherman's Blues, The Police's Synchronicity and Zenyatta Mondatta, XTC's Black Sea, The Pretenders II, Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers Long After Dark, and last but not least The Beatles Rubber Soul in mono from the Goodwill for $1.99

So yea that all ruled.

I was in Rite Aid today to get a light bulb for my kitchen light that's been out for a week now and has rendered the room scary and out of commission and a Jon Secada song came on. Now would be a great time dismiss for knowing there's no H in John when it's a Secada. I tell ya what, that shit is depressing. Something about that dreary early 90's radio garbage can send volts of sad right through my system, and in this moment it did. I almost ditched the light bulb and scrammed, but then I thought about how mysterious my kitchen has became and how I didn't eat until 3:30pm today because of this, and I manned it out. Bowie's preventing it from popping into my head at any point. That would be awful.

After I left Rite Aid I saw an elderly Asian man get creamed by a car that ran a red light. Now I saw a motorcycle accident on 101-N a few months back and this was easily worse to witness. But you know what? The son of a bitch got right up, brushed himself off, and assured the driver he was ok and not to worry about it, and continued on his way home. I was shocked. I mean I'm a young and healthy man and if that were me I woulda been involuntarily crying, like in a little kid way where you can't speak and you just keep hiccuping violently. But not this dude. Man, you know you're an awesome human being when you get NAILED by a speeding car at the age of 80 and then basically say with your actions "wow, close one". Asians are amazing, I think they're my favorite people. And elderly people are awesome too. So needless to say this guy is my friend.

However it kinda fucked me up seeing this and it totally botched up all of my motor and decision-making skills. So I immediately went to Burger King and ordered a #7. You know, the "Chicken Fries" one. What the fuck? They were playing motown songs and I thought to myself "why such great music with such awful food, if I had went to some power lunch LA joint to get a salad I'd be listening to Lady GaGa right now". Then I remembered I was in the same lot that has a Starbucks with Magic Johnson on the wall, and I couldn't figure out if I was stumbling upon a shallow conspiracy theory or if I was just mildly racist. Either way I went to Starbucks after and got a creme brulee latte and discovered that it was perhaps both.

Now I'm back home listening to records and playing guitar. I just lost the last of the daylight while I was typing this and now I'm going to go change a ceiling light bulb in the dark. If I fall at least I'll be listening to Rubber Soul in mono.


1 comment:

  1. rubber soul in mono...it doesn't get much better than that! :)
