Saturday, February 13, 2010

Stevie Wonder, Bacon, Etc.

Oh dear blog how I have neglected you.

I just scored Songs in the key of life for a buck at goodwill. So if you only have a dollar in your wallet that's fine. All is prosperous on the western front.

I had to make a bunch of bacon for this thing, short story. Anyways it was not to be eaten, it was a prop of sorts. I ended up procrastinating and made it at 5:30am right after a frantic shower. There I was standing in my kitchen in my undies with literally 8 plates of bacon on my kitchen table plus this weirdo diy cigarette kit that I have going and there's tobacco everywhere and I look crazy cause i've been up all night and because i am with born on the usa spinning on my turntable and I look up to see my neighbor smoking a cigarette on his front porch. He got to see this whole scene, at 5:30am. I started to feel awkward and immediately realized it wasn't necessary. This guy got to say to himself, "i just saw that, that was real, that really just happened". I laughed a lot for the next hour.

I got a new amp and I love her.

The record is coming along slow and steady. "You can't rush art, baby"
Been spending some time doing re-writes on some tunes that fell to the wayside and they're sounding awesome. Here's the current chewbacca list:

Don't Go Eddie Later
Fairfield Transfer
Go For It
Hearts Still Beat Away
I Said I'd Start a Revolution
Ripley Forsaithe
Who Wants Breakfast?
Goodnight Jimmy Lee
Toeing The Line
Record Players In Every Room
We Sent a Limousine
Mary and Bobby
Goodbye Addie
Terrible One
Mark's Monologues
Red Jacket
Call to Arms
My Aim is True
Textbook Answers

It seems like no matter what we do there's 22 songs. We kill a few then one comes back and then we remember another one and work on that, then we blend 2 together, etc, etc, etc.

Edge of Darkness starring Mel "The Holocaust Never Happened" Gibson was fucking badass. If you're into popcorn flicks that allow you to shut off your brain for 2 hours, this is the jam. They should have called it, "My Daughter Was Murdered, I'm From Boston, and I'm Very Very Upset About It". Mel's still got it, and by that I mean the ability to be both racist and badass on camera. If you liked the movie "Taken" you will like this one. Why am I reviewing a movie right now?

Anyways music, the reason life is cool. Right right. I'm gonna go make some.

Nipple tweaks,