Of I course I watched Chinatown on Saturday up on a hill outside as the sun went down the night before Roman Polanski was arrested. What an amazing movie! I ate a turkey hod dog and had an ice cream sandwich too. Jesus.
I recorded all weekend. I got 10 tunes done and tracked. There's a 50's vibe on a few that appeared out of nowhere. I'm also trying to make a conscious effort not to hide behind my lyrics like Bambi by layering a million vocal tracks like I usually do. I'm a stone cold sucker for backup gang vocals, and I don't want that to totally go away, but in time you do learn that less is more. Except of course, when it isn't (decent example below).
We're going to have our first rehearsal with Joe tomorrow night. That should be a big fat blast. Him and Mikey are digging the new shit.
I'm trying to decide which guitar I want to bring in to have setup for normal tuning. I figure if I setup my new goofy bass and one of my 3 guitars in standard tuning for writing/recording demos, it'll still leave me with 2 guitars live that are tuned a half step down. And that's how you justify owning 3 guitars my friends.
I went to Chucky Cheese yesterday with the Davis of Powers. It was our friend Aidan's 2nd birthday so we went and ate 50 slices of pizza and played video games for a few hours. It was smashing. The Eagle Rock mall is bizarre as hell. I think my favorite store there is called "Seafood City". I wish I was kidding.
On Friday night I went to see Bon Iver at The Wiltern. Solid show. He/they definitely need a blue gatorade and a BJ. But an awesome show. Followed it up with a trip to the HMS Bounty. Ate more chicken wings. I'm addicted to chicken wings. That's how this record will be remembered. "Danny was just out of control with the wings, they'd be just falling from his guitar case and he always had some shit in his beard."
Is this all there is?
10 years ago
are you fucking kidding me? IT'S CHUCK E. CHEESE. NOT CHUCKY.