If selling shit on Craigslist was a sport, it would be both wise and accurate to called me Michael Jordan, Pete Rose, or Jim Thorpe. I decided today to huck some various musical items that I simply don't use anymore. One of these items was a little digital 4-track. The gentleman who came and picked it up was named Leroy Radcliffe. Turns out he played in The Modern Lovers, a band I'm quite fond of and listen to their record all the time. He also played for Todd Rundgren, and the Chartbusters to name a few. I gave him a copy of Suffer City and we ended up shooting the shit for a bit. We spoke of our co-admiration for recording on analog tape and Fender Telecasters. He told stories about producing one of the Real Kids records and opening for Jimi Hendrix while I told him about how one of my guitars was in an explosion and how one time i caught a knife that had been thrown at me with my teeth. Had to make up the latter story in an attempt to balance it all out, but at one fine moment we both acknowledged each other as cool guys. He instinctually gave me advice as a young artist, easily reading me and my situation to the best of his experienced ability. Seeing that one of my eyes twinkles with blood shot optimism and the other is trying its best to ignore the grey hairs that keep popping up in my beard and skull. He said to me, "pump out the shit and don't judge it. Don't worry what people are going to think of it". I'm glad this wasn't my long overdue sex talk as I fear that statement taken out of context is brash, scary, and confusing. We promised to keep in touch and it was an honor to meet him. My only regret is that I didn't smoke a joint with him on my roof. I feel like I may have heard the expanded version of Brian Jones teaching him the right way to play some Rolling Stones song story if that had happened. I'm also now proud to announce that I know two Leroy's who both go by Lee and are both awesome. Here's some of their finer work...
Is this all there is?
10 years ago